I read the article below in the Washington Post recently. It really rang home to me. I cannot understand those who are resisting being vaccinated other than those with other health issues which prevent them doing so. Here’s what they wrote:
The most senseless and self-destructive battle in this country today is not between Democrats and fellow Democrats, despite what the headlines might suggest. It is between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated — a split with dire consequences for the nation and the world.
It is mystifying to me, and to many others, that such a divide could possibly exist. Yet an estimated 70 million Americans who are eligible to protect themselves against being hospitalized or dying from covid-19 have not done so. To be as generous as possible, some of those people may still worry about losing days off work to side effects or fear that getting a shot could reveal their undocumented status. But the selfishness and foolishness of people who don’t face those obstacles endanger not only their own health but everyone else’s as well.
Not getting vaccinated is indeed a decision, at this point, given the practically universal access to safe and effective vaccines that the entire nation enjoys. Guaranteeing protection from this highly infectious and deadly disease is no more difficult or complicated than dropping by your neighbourhood pharmacy once or twice and rolling up your sleeve. Serious side effects are astonishingly rare, and more routine ones are manageable and often, as was true for me, non-existent. And the benefits are massive, both for individuals and society.
Are you a lover of freedom? Do you hate all those covid-19 restrictions? Have you been impatient for life to get back to the old normal? Then get yourself vaccinated immediately and do everything you can to make sure your family and friends do the same. Aim your torch-and-pitchfork anger at the covid-19 virus — not at the experts and officials who are trying to save your life even as circumstances and available evidence shift around them.
The wilfully unvaccinated are covid-19’s enablers. They are giving the virus an enormous supply of potential hosts, allowing it to thrive and evolve — perhaps someday in a way that evades the vaccines. They are filling intensive-care hospital beds and keeping beleaguered doctors and nurses under constant, and unnecessary, siege. They are prolonging a crisis that we have the resources to get under control.
John Patterson writes about his Uncle Rob who contracted the Spanish Flu:
Has any of you known anyone who had the Spanish flu? I have. My uncle Rob, my mother’s oldest brother went down with the flu in 1919 and he died in 1946. He lived a living death for 27 years. His last few years of his life was spent in the Newcastle General hospital, an old Victorian hospital, the kind that Charles Dickens would write about, thank God it’s no longer there. My mam used to take Stu and me to see him, I hated going, in my young mind it was like being in a ward full of dead men who were still breathing. Young lads of 7-8-9 are not very compassionate.
Now we have covid 19, all round the world, many thousands of people have had covid, many have died, many have got better, and many have started following Uncle Rob.
Uncle Rob didn’t have a vaccine, we do now, and Anne and I have been fully vaccinated, but we are not safe till everyone else is vaccinated. We have the World Health Organisation; I don’t know what they are doing. We have the United Nations and I have never known what they do to make the nations unite…
Here in little New Zealand, we have a government trying to do what’s best for us all and an opposition who does nothing but disagree with whatever the government does or says. During WW11 the British political parties came together as one for the duration of the war and brought all the people together as one to fight the enemy. We are facing a much more dangerous enemy today so why can’t our Politian’s stand together as one and put their party politics to one side and unite the people with leaders leading from the front.
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