John Patterson wrote to me as a senior citizen. He has several questions he needs answering. Here they are and I would appreciate somebody assisting me to answer his very sensible queries. I will print the answers next week. Here they are:
The omicron virus has arrived and apparently, it’s going to get much worse before it starts getting better. It’s all going to happen very quickly so here are a few questions that come to mind
- How will people of the older generations living on their own or with a partner but no family and who are not used to modern technology keep up to date with what’s going on?
- Will they know if they are symptomatic – to most of us that’s a new word
- Will they know they should have a test if they are symptomatic?
- Will they know where to go and what to do if they need a test?
- Will there be assistance if they need transport?
- Will they be visited at their home regularly and by whom?
- What plans have been made to check the welfare of old people living on their own?
- Should retired people go into voluntary lockdown to protect the workers who we all need?
Many of us older people have lived through WW11 and pandemics (yes, we have had them before) this is not new.
One thing that disgusts me is listening to our politicians with their party-political ramblings when they should be all working together to lead us through this pandemic and get us back to normality as soon as possible.
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