Jim Lunday is always good value as a speaker, regardless of his audience. I have heard him explain Urban Development to so many audiences. I just sit back and enjoy watching the reaction of people who often haven’t thought about Urban Development in any great depth. I well remember his presentation at TedX just after the earthquakes. I thought this is exactly the sort of thinking we need here. Unfortunately, when he came down to work here the powers that be in control of this City gave him the deaf ear treatment. I suspect that his message will live on longer than those who have controlled planning here over the last few years!
Jim’s basic premise is that the original planning framework for the Garden City movement still has relevance here. This movement was based on green spaces and local communities.
When I reflect on the fact that this City was formerly 52 (I seem to recall) different authorities which when amalgamated over the years, gave us our current City. It was interesting noting the Mayor taking copious notes as Jim spoke and I am confident that we will be seeing lots of his ideas in action around this City.
Here is the video of his presentation, thanks to Aaron Campbell, and I recommend to those of you who were unable to attend that you watch it https://youtu.be/7-j1-uvaWpM.
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