Abbas has always been an impressive speaker. Last Tuesday he proved that once again. He spoke as a Kiwi currently studying in Washington DC about his observation of USA politics. He is studying what sort of forces lead to dreadful events like the Mosque massacres in Christchurch in March 2019.
It was really interesting to hear first hand from a young Kiwi just what was happening on the streets of Washington in the period leading up to the USA elections, and the events past that. I have, like so many of us, been a passionate follower of USA politics and read the Washington Post and the New York Times every day, as well as other papers across America. However, Abbas brought me a view which I had not even considered. His observations were presented with clinical expertise.
It was a great start to the Tuesday Club for the year, and thank you Abbas. I’m sure your future will be a bright one, wherever you decide to head.
Here’s the link to the talk
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