Recently Bruce White sent a quote from Rabindranath Tagore. I had never heard of the man. They don’t teach you much about philosophers when you study accounting. However, Bruce found him, and he’s an accountant as well…
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted, and behold, service was joy”.
Rabindranath Tagore
I have never seen a better description of what it is to be a proper public servant. Not just somebody employed by the public; but also, everybody who does their bit in the community. Anybody who serves their community. They may run the local Kohanga Reo, or the local football club, or the local Rotary Club, or the local environmental group, or anything which makes the local community better. They are all public servants.
Theirs is the joy of service. They are the people who make our community a better place.
I rang somebody at CCC recently. The person who answered was open and helpful. My query was answered and we chatted about things other than what I rang about. We wished each other a good day and the call ended. That person is a good public servant. They supplied a service, and they brought joy to my life, and pleasure to theirs, as they had supplied a solution to my query.
This quote should be on the top of every Government Department, and City Council’s letterhead.
Let us honour all those who are public servants in our communities, paid and unpaid. They are making it a better world, and boy we need that.
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